Juggling Act: A Single Mom’s ABA Parent Consult Journey with Allenah


Greetings fellow parents! Today, I want to invite you into my world, where I wear multiple hats – a single mother of two, a dedicated state worker, a small business owner, and the founder of a non-profit foundation. Amidst this bustling life, I’m navigating the intricate world of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with my incredible daughter, Allenah. Join me on this rollercoaster ride as we tackle the challenges and celebrate the victories.


The Multifaceted Life of a Single Working Mom

As a single mom of two, my days are a balancing act – a dance between my career at the Employment Development Department, managing my small business, Perfectly Puzzled LLC, and overseeing the Perfectly Puzzled Foundation. It’s a testament to the resilience we find within ourselves when driven by love and purpose.

Allenah’s Journey through ABA Therapists

Allenah has had her fair share of ABA therapists – six to be exact. This journey of finding consistency in her support system has been challenging. Faced with therapists leaving for further education, I decided to step up and take on the role with the guidance of ABA supervisors through the parent consult program.

Discipline in Prioritizing Your Child’s Needs

Managing multiple roles requires discipline, especially when your child has specific needs. It’s essential to shift the focus from what I need as a parent to what Allenah needs. A disciplined approach, guided by ABA principles, has been a game-changer in our daily routine, be it mastering body parts, matching, or tackling the intricacies of potty training.


ABA Parent Consult: Not One Size Fits All

The ABA Parent Consult journey isn’t a universal solution, and it might not be for everyone. It requires dedication, patience, and a deep understanding of your child’s unique needs. If you feel your child can benefit, exploring the parent consult option might be worth a try when the time is right for your family.


In the intricate dance of being a single mom, a state worker, a small business owner, and a foundation founder, the ABA Parent Consult journey with Allenah is a testament to the power of love, discipline, and resilience. While it’s not about us as parents, the impact we make on our children’s lives is immeasurable. To those considering the ABA Parent Consult path, remember, it’s a unique journey – not a one-size-fits-all solution. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and keep the love flowing.
