Mission Statement
The Perfectly Puzzled Foundation is passionately dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorder. Our unwavering commitment is centered on creating a world where those on the spectrum can thrive, find understanding, and experience the full richness of life. While autism is our primary focus, we extend our support with open hearts to those with ADHD
Sensory Gym Expansion for Autism Support
- Conducting educational programs and awareness campaigns to enhance public understanding of autism.
- Advocating for policies that champion the rights and well-being of individuals with autism.
Autism Advocacy and Education
- Conducting educational programs and awareness campaigns to enhance public understanding of autism.
- Advocating for policies that champion the rights and well-being of individuals with autism.
Research and Innovation for Autism
- Investing in research initiatives focused on advancing our understanding of autism and supporting innovative solutions to improve the lives of those affected.
Grant Acquisition for Autism Initiatives:
- Pursuing grants to fund projects that directly benefit individuals on the autism spectrum, including sensory gym expansions, educational resources, and community support programs.
Autism-focused Collaborative Partnerships:
- Building strategic partnerships with organizations, businesses, and individuals who share our commitment to enhancing the lives of those with autism.
Financial Assistance for Autism Families:
- Offering financial support and resources to families affected by autism, ensuring they have access to essential services and opportunities.
Autism Community Engagement:
- Organizing events, fundraisers, and community activities to foster a sense of belonging and support within the autism community.
Sensory Gym for Inglewood, CA
In line with our commitment to inclusivity, the Perfectly Puzzled Foundation is embarking on a transformative initiative by establishing our first sensory gym in Inglewood, CA. This location is strategically chosen with a deep understanding of the needs of the community, particularly low-income families
Supporting Low-Income Families:
Our primary goal is to provide a haven for families affected by autism in Inglewood, especially those facing financial challenges. By offering our services in an area with a significant low-income population, we aim to bridge the gap and ensure that all families, regardless of their economic circumstances, have access to the support they need.
Ownership for Stability:
To uphold our commitment to stability and continuity for the families we serve, Perfectly Puzzled Foundation recognizes the importance of owning the building and land housing our sensory gym. This ownership ensures that our facility remains a constant and reliable resource for the community, without the uncertainty of potential relocations.
Ensuring Accessibility and Routine
Owning the building allows us to create a secure and welcoming space that families can rely on. By eliminating the possibility of relocation, we safeguard against disruptions to the routines of our autism families, providing a sense of predictability and comfort that is especially crucial for those on the spectrum.
Community Integration:
Beyond the walls of our sensory gym, we envision becoming an integral part of the Inglewood community. By owning the building and land, we aim to establish lasting connections with local residents, businesses, and organizations, fostering a supportive environment for all.
Your Support Matters:
Your support not only contributes to the realization of a much-needed sensory gym but also plays a vital role in creating a lasting impact on the lives of low-income families in Inglewood, CA.